By Russell Barneson If you're an aspiring real estate investor, building good habits will be the core foundation to your success. From the moment you rise to the time you go to bed, outlining your day will make you more efficient and more effective at your job. Here is a game plan to Continue Reading
High Performance Success Virtual Summit
Hello, Come Join Us at the High-Performance Success Summit on August 22nd and 23rd 2020. The High-Performance Success Summit is dynamic event taught by leaders in every field. Learn from the Top Real Estate and Business Experts on how to implement new business-critical strategies and ideas to Continue Reading
Wealth Building Workshop coming to your living room!
Great news: We are hosting a virtual four-hour Wealth-Building Workshop where you can discover how alternative investing with self-directed IRAs could potentially help you reduce taxes and boost your financial future all from the comfort of your living room! You simply do not want to miss this Continue Reading
Don’t Miss The Deadline To Balance Your Real Estate Portfolio
By Bill Mencarow Savvy real estate investors balance their portfolio with real estate notes (trust deeds or mortgages); real estate for appreciation, real estate notes for income. My name is Bill Mencarow. While my wife Alison and I were on the staff of the US Congress in Washington, we Continue Reading
How FHA Benefits Buyers, Sellers, and Brokers
By Rick Tobin Since 1934, FHA has insured over 34 million home mortgages nationwide. For buyers, sellers, and advising real estate brokers or other licensees, they should all learn more details about how the use of FHA mortgage loans can help each of them to buy and sell properties at potentially Continue Reading
Where Do I Find the Best Direct Mail Lists?
By Kathy Kennebrook (The Marketing Magic Lady) This is the big question that I get a lot! The true secret to success for a Real Estate Investor is finding sellers who really need to sell. I use several different targeted direct mail campaigns to locate different types of highly motivated sellers. Continue Reading
How to Choose Self-directed Retirement Plans for Your Future?
By Dmitriy Fomichenko Financing planning is an important aspect of real estate investing, and most of the realtors pay special attention to it. However, when it comes to retirement planning, we often prioritize other financial responsibilities instead. It’s critical to understand that you’ll need Continue Reading
Maximum Asset Protection Tips from Industry Expert
By Kathy Kennebrook (The Marketing Magic Lady) A Discussion on the Importance of Protecting Your Assets Throughout your life, no matter who you are or how you earn your living, you need to be concerned about protecting your assets. Your assets may include your home, vehicles, jewelry, boats, Continue Reading
Economic Update
By Lloyd Segal It’s 2020; a crazy C-R-A-Z-Y year. We are in the land of the unknown. Things are happening for the first time that none of us have ever seen before. You must take it for what it is and adapt as best you can. But ask yourself, when this pandemic is over (and it will be inevitably) Continue Reading
Myths About Land Trusts
By Randy Hughes, Mr. Land Trust I write and teach a lot about the many benefits to using a Land Trust to hold title to real estate investments. There is a lot of misinformation in the marketplace about Land Trusts and a lot of bad advice given regarding these Grantor Revocable Title Holding Trusts. Continue Reading
The Secrets of Being a Successful Landlord
By Kathy Kennebrook (The Marketing Magic Lady) You’ve all heard the tenant horror stories from people who have had tenants in properties, but being a landlord doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you learn some strategies for handling your tenants. My husband used to say that handling tenants Continue Reading
How Deferment of Mortgage Payments May Affect Borrowers in the Long Run
By Edward Brown When Congress passed Section 4021 of the CARES Act in response to the effects of COVID-19, their intent was to help borrowers who were having problems making their mortgage payments. Little did Congress realize that they were potentially setting up borrowers for trouble in the Continue Reading
Women Who Behave Never Get Rich!!
By Kathy Kennebrook (The Marketing Magic Lady) I am often asked by women at events I speak at whether or not I think a woman can make a go of the real estate investing business on their own. My personal answer to this question is always a resounding-YES! Actually, women have a distinct advantage Continue Reading
The Problem With an IBC Policy
By Gabby Darroch “What’s the problem with IBC?” If you’re like many people who’ve heard about The Money Multiplier Method and IBC (especially for the first time) then you’ve probably had this thought cross your mind a time or two. We get it. You want to know all the bad things that accompany all Continue Reading