By Gene Guarino Can I do this hands-off? You can absolutely operate a Residential Assisted Living home and business in a hands-off manner. Hands-on means you’re in the home every day. You’re watching the residents and the caregivers on a regular daily basis. You’re overseeing, maybe even Continue Reading
Breaking: Demystifing CARES Act and Other COVID-19 Resources for Investors
By Stephanie Mojica The $2.2 trillion CARES Act is the largest economic relief program in the history of the United States and has two primary programs to offer — the Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). These programs, offered through the Small Business Continue Reading
The Myths in Residential Assisted Living – Part 2
By Gene Guarino Where do we find the seniors? There are tens of millions of seniors in our country today who will need assistance with their Activities of Daily Living, according to AARP. That doesn’t mean they’re all going to move into an assisted living home or facility, but they will need help. Continue Reading
The Myths in Residential Assisted Living – Part 1
By Gene Guarino Is this considered commercial or residential? The first myth that I want to cover with you is commercial versus residential. We talk about Residential Assisted Living because it’s a single family home, in a residential neighborhood. The home itself might be a little bigger than your Continue Reading
Senior Activities within Residential Assisted Living
By Gene Guarino Seniors may be starting to slow down, but it’s just as important for them as it is for you to stay active! They need to move and be engaged to stay healthy and happy. The types of activities seniors can do come in two main categories: the mind and the body. Activities that engage Continue Reading
Transforming Your Home Into Senior Housing
By Gene Guarino What exactly is senior housing? Senior housing can be anything from independent living to assisted living or even memory care or a SNF (skilled nursing facility) . For independent living, it is a home that would be considered “senior safe” with grab bars, smoke detectors, wider doors Continue Reading
Making Money Or Helping People – Do You Have To Choose?
By Gene Guarino Can I do a RAL home as a business? 20 years ago, when I first heard about assisted living, I learned about the silver tsunami that was coming. Because when you think about it, the baby boomers have been driving our economy for decades and decades. The next move in our economy is in, Continue Reading
Is Assisted Living the Business for You?
By Gene Guarino Can you start an Assisted Living Business? A lot of people say, “I’ve never started a business before. I’ve never done anything like what you’ve done. Can I do it?” I want you to think about where you’re at today. Some of you are at a point in your life where you’re just going Continue Reading
3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting In Assisted Living
By Gene Guarino I’m going to suggest three things to you, and if you do them, you can experience tremendous success in Residential Assisted Living. Number 1: Learn from others. Learn from other people’s challenges, successes, and failures. Learn from other people’s mistakes whenever possible. Continue Reading
Breaking News: This Week’s Historic Stock Surge Calms Investors
By Stephanie Mojica After weeks of bad news, there is plenty of good news for real estate investors and realtors alike. On Wednesday, March 25, U.S. President Donald J. Trump as well as Senate and Congressional leaders reached an agreement on a $2 trillion stimulus package to hopefully stave off Continue Reading
OH WOW! From Hoard To Restored
By Holly Lynn Go From Hoard To Restored With These Easy Tips With spring upon us; along with tulips, allergies, and warmer weather, is the dreaded spring cleaning. It's time to scrub, disinfect, and purge. It's an opportunity to prepare for the year ahead and lighten up the heaviness that too many Continue Reading
What To Do When You Are On Lockdown
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely -Rodin On Thursday Governor Gavin Newsom announced a shelter-in-place order for California residents. This proves to be difficult for many people who are used to being on the go and getting their hustle on every day. While 16 critical Continue Reading
The Great TP Crisis of 2020
By Holly Lynn What are you going to do if you are cooped up in the house because everything from courthouses, social gatherings, and businesses are closed because of the Coronavirus? It's looking that way now. Everybody's making jokes, including me, about the toilet paper crisis and shelves Continue Reading
Kick The Learning Curve To The Curb: Hit The Gas On Your Real Estate Goals
By Realty411 Team Are you looking for a new opportunity during this economic turmoil? Peter Vekselman is looking for aspiring investors who are willing to put in some hustle. In return, his partners not only gain the benefit of a high performance team, but all the money you could ask for to fund Continue Reading