In an effort to save Realty411 and REI Wealth magazine readers, subscribers, and VIP monthly members money to invest more, has launched a special portal dedicated for this purpose.
Introducing*, a dynamic and cost-savings’ website with national and locally-featured companies. One of the unique features of this platform is that real-time savings are shown immediately, plus a toll-free concierge number is also available for assistance.
Paid VIP Magazine Monthly Members can participate and search for savings with top merchant brand-names, as well as lesser-known, local retailers.
In addition, to help our real estate industry and the investor community recover after a year-long global pandemic, all readers, whether they are subscribers or not, can now save money on their travel excursions.
With travelers can compare hotel accommodations instantly and know exactly how much money will be saved beforehand.

Additionally, as a special incentive to investors in search of their next investment market, a special “Drop Destination” will be spotlighted each month.
Realty411 and REI Wealth readers can now save as much as 50% on travel during a specific time period with each “Drop Destination” promotion. Now, there is absolutely no excuse for readers not to see their properties before investing in these important assets.
Are you looking for properties in new markets? Need to travel for a real estate conference or meeting? Ready to take the family to explore a new location?
Before booking, be sure to visit

Currently, the “Drop Destination” featured is Nashville, Tennessee. If travel is booked between April 2 to April 16, 2021, members could potentially receive savings of up to 50% or more.
Travel dates to Tennessee can be extended up to December 2021, be sure to log on to compare just how much money can be saved.
Another bonus of is the special discounted admission to world-famous resorts across the nation, which undoubtedly will be one of the first leisure destinations for our readership and their families.
For additional details and explore our money-saving new website, please visit or CLICK HERE.

Disclosure: is a membership rewards’ site specifically for Realty411 and REI Wealth magazine. Commissions from this website will be used to continue our mission of providing complimentary real estate education to the masses. Since 2007, Realty411 has provided life-changing information and access to solid companies and educators to assist investors in making wise decisions. We have served tens of thousands of investors across the nation, and around the world, make sound real estate decisions.