Please review this important sponsored post.
Meet my mother…
She needed care. I needed a solution. I wasn’t comfortable with the options I found, so i had to create an option for her and her needs.
Residential Assisted Living was my answer.
I’m Gene Guarino, Founder, CEO and creator of Residential Assisted Living Academy.
My WHY was my mother, that’s WHY i got started in this industry. That’s WHY i care. I want to know your WHY! I want to chat with you directly and share my experience with the RAL industry and answer your questions on how you can get started owning your own RAL too!
RAL industry is exploding and we need to find people that want to help
and become a part of the solution. With 4,000 people A DAY turning 85
years old, there are very few places for them to go to. That is a
for many of them and it is an opportunity for ALL of us.
I realize that Senior Housing and the opportunity to help others while
are making significant cash flow isn’t for everyone. But I also know
that you expressed interest in the RAL opportunity previously, so I
want to make sure that you don’t miss out on this call with me
is the thing though, I rarely host time for a free and open conver-
sation. If you’re interested in this industry and the opportunities to
Good And Do Well” I would like for you to be on this call.
I will be sharing some important news and information on what is happ-ening right now in the Residential Assisted Living Industry.
On this call I will be sharing with you:
** The 3 best ways to get started whether you are an investor or an operator.
** The 5 keys to doing this all successfully and the mistakes to avoid at all costs!!
** What to look for in a property and what to avoid when buying an existing business.
Mark your calendar NOW! Monday, November 25th at 4pm/PST
I can’t wait to share with you and learn your WHY!
Gene Guarino
P.S. If you are going to miss the event, schedule a discovery call to discuss your next steps on how to take advantage of this mega trend and ride the wave of the silver tsunami by doing good and doing well.